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Hassan Was Freed on October 22

After 18 days under intensive interrogation by the Israeli Shabak, Hassan Nadaf was

Hassan on the moment of his release in the Haifa court

Hassan on the moment of his release in the Haifa court

released without indictment. He was put under house arrest for 10 day in the home of relatives in Ba’aneh in the Shaghour (in the middle of the Galilee). He was ordered not to enter Akka, his hometown, and to avoid surfing social networks, both for 30 days.

Below you can find the original post that was published in “Free Haifa” upon the news of Hassan’s arrest.

The Original Post: Free Hassan Nadaf! How Hooded Shabak takes control of the Haifa court…

When the police invaded Hassan Nadaf’s house in ‘Akka, at about 16:00 on Monday, October 5, 2015, nobody was really surprised. Hassan, a 20 years old worker and a well-known political activist, had already been detained and interrogated several times, and his parents’ house, where he lives, had already been searched before. Last time, on August 9, he was one of 8 youth detained after a demonstration in ‘Akka against the burning alive of the Dawabsha family in Duma, and they were all beaten brutally in the ‘Akka police offices before being held for several days and released without any charge.

More than 10 policemen entered the small house, most of them uniformed but some of them in plain clothes. Um Samer (Hassan’s mother) requested to see a court order allowing them to search the house. They didn’t have one but insisted on searching the house anyway, ignoring the quiet protest of the dwellers. They let the family understand that their visit was in response to something that Hassan had written on Facebook – a regular cause for interrogations in these days. They even said initially that they will interrogate Hassan at home – but then took him away. All in all, it was a relatively “polite search” – as far as this term can be applied when police invades your house without permission and search and take your private things. They took the home computer and a laptop, some posters, books and a Kufiya, the eternal symbol of Palestinian identity.

So it was a great surprise for everybody when Hassan’s lawyer, Jihad Abu Raya, who went to see him the same day in the Jalameh detention center (officially known as “Kishon”), was told that he is held by the Shabak (Israel’s secretive “internal security” services) and that he is prevented from meeting any lawyer.

It was an even greater surprise when today, Tuesday October 6, a police representative named “Marcel” presented  a request to the Haifa court to extend Hassan’s detention for another 15 days (the longest period he could legally ask for) on the accusation of “possessing arms!” Um Samer protested to the lawyers: “Not only did they not find any arms; they didn’t even try to search for any! They only looked through Hassan’s personal belongings, leaving the rest of the house intact…”

Adalah lawyers, Suhad Bishara and Myssana Morany, prepared a fast appeal against the decision preventing Hassan from meeting his lawyer and presented it to the Haifa district court at about the time that the remand hearings where supposed to start. The low court judge was ready to wait for the hearing of this appeal before holding the remand in Hassan’s absence, but the state prosecutor office requested for time “to study the case” – so the appeal hearing was finally set for tomorrow, Wednesday, 8:30 am.


The decree that prevented Hassan from meeting a lawyer

The “decision” itself, preventing Hassan from meeting a lawyer, a copy of it is published below, is the most revealing evidence of Israeli injustice when it comes to the oppression of Palestinian political activists, be it that they are in the “disputed” West Bank, Al-Quds “residents” or “semi-citizens” in the 1948 occupied territories. It is an order to the police, signed by “Lavi,” supposedly the Shabak officer responsible for Hassan’s investigation. In Israel, any official signature will require a first name and a last name, so that any person can know who exactly stands behind that order. But “Lavi” is none of these two. If you had any doubt about this – here comes the official stamp saying “Hamekhuneh Lavi” – or, in plain English, “so called Lavi”!!!

By claiming that if Hassan will meet a lawyer it might prevent the detention of other suspects or the confiscation of evidence, it actually assumes that any lawyer is likely to be engaged in illegal activity at the service of his clients. This works very well for the Shabak but it goes against all the modern concepts of due proceedings and it is not applied to Israeli murderers and rapist…

The remand hearings were another display of the annulment of any due process.

Hassan missed his birthday when he was in  detention. On the day of his release his friends and family made a party

Hassan missed his birthday when he was in detention. On the day of his release his friends and family made a party

“Marcel,” wearing jeans and T-shirt, announced that the court is closed and that the proceedings are secret. To the lawyer’s request, he failed to show any official order to that purpose, but, speaking for the Shabak, he felt all-powerful. He didn’t even turn to the Judge before ordering the guards to remove from the court all of Hassan friends, including his mother. Just before exiting, we heard the judge ordering the “Nakhshon” guards, those responsible for carrying around and harassing the detainees, to bring Hassan but let him stay out of the court room while the hearing of his case will take place.

We waited outside while the three lawyers stayed in, doing their best to defend Hassan’s case without being able to talk with him or see the “secret evidence” that the police submitted to the judge. After some time, the lawyers were ordered to leave the court while Hassan was brought before the judge. Even eye-contact between the detainees and his lawyers is not allowed – all a part of the Shabak police tactic to isolate their victim, breaking his spirit by harsh conditions and torture, in order to force upon him false confessions.

In the end, we were informed that the judge remanded Hassan’s detention for two days, apparently feeling uneasy about the brutal rape of her court by the Shabak.

* * *

Wednesday Evening, October 7

The Haifa district court reclaimed today his reputation as a rubber stamp for the Shabak.

In three separate hearings it:

  • Accepted the prosecution’s appeal for the “too short” extension of Hassan’s detention – and ordered his detention for 8 days until Wednesday, October 14.
  • Rejected ‘Adalah’s appeal against the order that prevents Hassan from meeting a lawyer.
  • Imposed a wholesale GAG order preventing any publication about the case.

Friday, October 9

The decree that prevents Hassan from meeting a lawyer was extended until Saturday, October 10.

Place Holder

In order not to be in violation of the GAG order, the text of the post was replaced for some time with the following Place Holder:

What happened to Hassan Nadaf?

Was he kidnapped by Aliens?

Is he held by a secretive criminal gang?

We don’t know and those that might know are not allowed to tell us…

What kind of a state is it that people are just vanishing and we are not even allowed to ask where they are???

(You can read more about Hassan Nadaf in Tikun Olam)